Historical note about jim jones'town' November 18, 1978 from Wikipedia:

"On November 18, 1978, several Peoples Temple members ambushed the investigative team and others boarding the plane to leave Jonestown. Five people were killed, including Ryan. While trying to shield herself from rifle and shotgun fire behind small airplane wheels with other team members, Speier was shot five times and waited 22 hours before help arrived."

"Karen Lorraine Jacqueline Speier[1] (/spɪər/ SPEAR; born May 14, 1950) is an American lawyer and politician who served as the U.S. representative for California's 14th congressional district, serving in Congress from 2008 to 2023. A member of the Democratic Party, Speier represented much of the territory that her political mentor, Leo Ryan, represented."

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Joy Reid, you’re one of my most favorite reporters. I hope my 67 year-old white ass can meet you someday and tell you in person. Please keep on, keepin’ on. Hugs and love.❤️

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As always, your commentary is strong, incisive, clear, and powerful. Thanks for “bringing it” to Substack. 👊🏽

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I will add charlatan to my list. don-old is a racist, a bigot, misogynist, liar, charlatan, fraudulent traitor, leader of a cult who believes in Project 2025. He has no filter, and “I don’t know about that” seems to be one of his favorite sentences.

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Putin’s goal is to destroy America. Trump is the perfect partner for him. Together they are sowing division through gaslighting, disinformation and misinformation, repeating the same lies over and over until the cultists believe them. The rhetoric is getting increasingly dangerous. Vote Blue!

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Terrifying to watch this mess unfolding. Trumps rhetoric today is extremely scary. God help us is right.

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Many Narcissistic Sociopaths become conman and super religious conmen. They do well on TV where they sob and beg Jesus to save and forgive them… a don’t forget to send me a tenth of your paycheck so I can save others.

Trump is just a more expensive version. I struggle to understand how he can legitimately be running for president. Shouldn’t you have to be sane???

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I think people over complicate what Trump is all about. He is about HIM, 24 Hours a day for all the years he has been alive. That’s it. Nothing more.

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Joy, you are absolutely one of my favorites on MSNBC! I’ve followed you since the (election cycle) coffee-house days in Des Moines to being one of the CLEAREST voices on cable news. Your insight is always spot-on. Your guest analysts are perfect choices in your messaging.

Forever grateful for you and ALL of MSNBC during the most harrowing and most important election of our lifetime. I’m in my 70’s and have seen it all. We’re not going back! 🤞🏼🙏🏼✌🏼

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God help us indeed, but holding sacred my hope for our future.

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It's disheartening that so many people want trump. However these same people existed b4 trump and we(the majority) kept them out of office. Im still hopeful. Gotta be!

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If I ever get to meet Michael Steele I'd grab him by the lapels and ask him, "Did you know? Did you know your party was millions of these bigoted idiots?".

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I don't know how to snap the MAGA cult out of their trance because facts are useless in the face of the media megaphone that amplifies his every utterance. Fixing problems is hard and blaming "the other" is easy. But we need something because thoughts and prayers aren't going to be any more effective here than with gun violence. I am open to any and all suggestions! HELP!

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Powerful and apt and timely comparison Joy, thanks.

He is propped up by a few wealthy people, and that is very disturbing to me, because there ought to be many opposing that disaster. Mark Cuban . . . who else?

The wealthiest people in this country, and the world, need a functioning representative democratic republic, with an expert, objective, excellent, experienced judiciary, more than the rest of us.

And a majority of them ought to know that, and make it happen. 1776: ‘ . . . we pledge . . . our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor.’ 2026 is watching.

I recall a story that someone had surveyed the Forbes 400, and asked if they would pay more taxes if it would improve our country. Only single digits, fewer than 10, said they would, in my memory. ( needs checking, maybe it was 10% . . . it was pathetic )

For review, some glossary terms for the obscenely rich - we have seen this movie, recently: 1) defenestration; 2) poisoned in a foreign country; 3) blow your wings off; 4) all your shares are appropriated and transferred to the dear leader’s most ardent butt leech, secretly on behalf os said dear leader . . . there are many more entries . . .

I cite wealth because in my assessment, that is solely what this is about.

The million-heirs and billion-heirs who are funding so much of this crap have no idea how to create new wealth, just like Little Lord Fondleboy the loser . . . so We the People have to make equity and solvency happen. Ironically, they will still be rich. Way rich.

We have $154 Trillion in net household wealth, that the Fed can see. <uswealthclock.com>

OK, impossibly gargantuan number, turn brain off.

No. That’s $1.1 Million per household. Net.

It should be more, and more ( all ) households should actually own a fraction, not just pay rent and property tax on it.

What does it mean? 1) No billionaire owns more than 1/1000 of our wealth, save one, and he doesn’t have 2/1000ths . . . for the moment . None of them are the boss of us. If any one or three are liquidated, the market shouldn’t even ripple. We need to act like it. 2) That total has increased about $70 Trillion in the last 10 years. Our federal obligations have increased about $17 Trillion. One number is a lot bigger. A lot. We can see that the richest have stuck us with the bills, in their increasingly large mansions and comically huge yachts, etc. 3) About $84 Trillion is queued up to be given to heirs in the next 20 years ( nyt ). v $35 Trillion of debt. Again, one number is bigger. A whole lot bigger. And the morality of giving enormous piles of wealth to people who had nothing whatsoever to do with creating it is twisted at best. It’s a moneyarchy. Unamerican.

running at the tiny keyboard, signing off, thanks again! — b.rad

ps I have said some of this to Ari, last fall, he was annoyed, and to Ali, in SF this past spring, he said he would ‘look into it’. . . we came to see you at Kepler’s, amazing book *Medgar and Myrlie* . . . I sent Rachel an old fashioned telegram . . .

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Thank you for articulating this Truth so well! It’s been rolling around in my head and body and it’s so good, a relief, to see it on page. A Perfect choice of the specific cult for comparison, so powerfully and simply stated.

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What is even more dangerous & deranged is the corruption cult of unlimited selfishness has only prevailed because Trump & maga gop have an entire mainstreamed media sphere overpowering the society, minute by hour by day, & an entire zombie-fied political party, a Senate & House enabling the insanity, contagion, corruption. And now hovering over all of us, a toxic stacked Supreme Court shredding the Constitution & effectively annointing the naked madman King with permission for crimes & cruelty. How America & the establishment have allowed this obviously criminal, un-constitutional & openly evil conspiracy to threaten to once again seize the White House & the most deadly military in human history is an unprecedented global tragedy. We are subject to a corrupted, convoluted, pseudo-democratic election process (Electoral College, wtf say the world) in a choice between social change & progress & complete insanity & annihilation. We can now only "win" by voting in overwhelming numbers & still the cult of corruption will be shitfucking us for many more years. VOTE Trump for Prison, reclaim reality, end the normalization & contagion of psychopathology that is the Trump-Putin crime syndicate. https://voteamerica.com

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